What are the transportation options available in the city?

What are the transportation options available in the city?


Public Transportation:

  • Metro: A modern subway system with extensive coverage throughout the city.
  • Bus: A comprehensive bus network operated by the city government and private companies.
  • Tram: A historic tram system offering scenic routes along the river.
  • Shared mobility services: A growing network of bike-sharing and e-scooter rentals.

Private Transportation:

  • Renting: Renting a car, motorbike, or bicycle is a convenient option for short trips.
  • Taxis and ride-sharing services: Available through apps like Uber and Lyft.
  • Airport transfers: A dedicated airport shuttle bus runs from the city center to the airport.

Other Options:

  • Water taxi: Offers scenic boat rides along the river.
  • Bicycle lanes: The city has extensive bike lanes, making cycling a safe and enjoyable option.
  • Walking and running: Several parks and green spaces provide opportunities for walking and running.


  • The availability and frequency of services may vary depending on the time of day and location.
  • Public transportation is generally affordable, with tickets and passes available for daily or weekly use.
  • Private transportation options can be more expensive, but they offer greater flexibility and control.